One and Only Sale

When we moved our showroom in 2020, we chose to reduce the size (along with our stress level!) The only downside has been that we can’t show as many large furniture designs on our floor, and we have to therefore change them more frequently to show different models, colours etc. And so on this page, we will periodically show pieces that we need to let go to make room for new items. These will always be in new condition unless otherwise noted, and carry all the warranty that all new pieces do. Of course, as we always say, we offer “furniture that fits”, and so Susan will always offer her design expertise to look at your space and existing furniture to ensure your choice is correct.

New Classic Table and 6 Chairs
$5,990 $12,665.00

Danaide Chair
$1,980 $3,800

British King Mattress
$1,199 $3,990